They assured her that a workable solution might still be found, but for now, class and wealth overrode the needs of the newly freed. Since these families were the Order’s main source of financial support, the Sisters had no choice but to comply. According to the Sisters, the wealthy Creoles didn’t want their children taught in schools that also opened their doors to former slaves and were threatening to withdraw their patronage. Outside, she took to the crowded walks again to meet Julianna and Sable at the Christophe and gave her disappointment its head. “God be with you, Valinda,” she was told as she departed. Agent: Nancy Yost, Nancy Yost Literary.As she stood to leave, she thanked the nuns for taking the time to speak with her and did her best to hide her disappointment. This is a grand tale of finding happiness in hard times.

Jenkins (the Blessings series) addresses sensitive, serious issues in a tactful, realistic manner, and she brilliantly balances the real sorrows of history with a shimmering romance. Meanwhile, Drake gets involved in taking dangerous vengeance for the death of a friend. Finally Valinda breaks her engagement to stay in New Orleans, and then she has to deal with her overbearing father, who believes women have no business being on their own. When Valinda’s attackers come looking for revenge, Drake keeps her under his protection, and when she’s evicted, Drake’s mother takes her in, making it even harder for them to keep their distance. Valinda, whose fiancé is in France on business, is only in New Orleans temporarily, but the chemistry between her and the hunky Drake is as hot as the spicy foods they share. Both were born free, and they make it their life’s mission to assist ex-slaves.

When business owner Drake LeVeq saves Valinda from racist attackers, he’s immediately taken by the spunky beauty. In post–Civil War New Orleans, New Yorker Valinda Lacy strives to teach freedmen, but both her work and her safety are imperiled by the racial hostility still plaguing the nation. This winning historical romance lays the groundwork for an exciting series.